Recently I have completed to read many books.I am very happy now to read those books.Those books can help me to learn something new about many topics covering personality development,motivation and studying of human behavior.You know I am very happy today to learn something new.You know learning is a continuous process.Everyone should learn new thing everyday.It is nothing but a part of improve your mind,personality and many more.A new day starts with a new hope,new thoughts and a new life.Past is always past.It does not come again to your life.So,my suggestion is you should always ignore past and forget about it because we don't have any control on our past activity.We definately have a full control about our present activity.Present is something that is under your control and you can change it according to your thoughts.In this letter I am talking about motivation and inspiration.You know I follow these steps to stay motivated all along the day.Today I have share some tips with you to stay motivated all along the day.Firstly,We have to try new things each and every moments of our life,that may be soft skill or may be hard skills.Softskills help you to develop your personality effectively.Hard skills help you to do something now.Those two skills are relatively practical skills and one should improve it day by day.Secondely,read many books on your favourite topic everyday.I myself have covered at least two books a day.After that I always try to implement the knowledge of my practical life that I have learned.Motivation does not come from the outer source like money or being reach.It always comes from our mind as well as our inner soul and learning helps to bring change on it.According to me learning is biggest assets that you have owned.No asset is bigger than learning.So,try to learn something that you have loved and always implement these on your regular life that definitely helps you to reach out the next position of your life.After that you can be able to achieve anything in your life very easily.I am very thankful to those who are reading this.After reading this if you should follow these two things daily basis then I gurrrented to you that will change your life forever.To get daily motivational updates mail me at or visit my new website to get a daily newsletter.
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